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How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

Since upgrading to Nextcloud 16 a few weeks ago I've not been able to get my desktop sync clients to work. The issue manifested itself as a 'login loop' where I would log in to a sync client, provide my 2FA token and then click grant access only to be promptly dumped back at the original login scr...

9th Jul 2019 - IronicBadger
Harnessing Your Data with Diskover

Harnessing Your Data with Diskover

Running a media center PC with any large amount of storage, for many of us, can have a 'set it and forget it' mentality. But over time, storage can get away from you and I find myself having to perform a 'purge'. This is where diskover comes in.

Diskover is a filesystem crawler which crawls your s...

28th Jun 2019 - hackerman
AdGuard Home: First Thoughts

AdGuard Home: First Thoughts

While many members of the LinuxServer.io team currently use PiHole for their ad-blocking needs, I was relatively late to the game having never used a network-level DNS blocker. Like most people (I assume), I stuck to browser plugins like AdBlock Plus and uBlock Origin. However, after having spotte...

20th May 2019 - Josh Stark
Getting started with ZFS on Linux

Getting started with ZFS on Linux

After attending Linuxfest Northwest 2019 where both Allan Jude and Jim Salter gave excellent talks about ZFS, I finally gave in and decided to implement ZFS on my server. I wonder if being a ZFS junkie is a TechSnap host pre-requisite? Here's a short article giving a ZFS 101 intro and list of comm...

14th May 2019 - IronicBadger
The LSIO Pipeline Project

The LSIO Pipeline Project

Over the past year we have been working to modernize our Jenkins build environment and shift as much of our build logic to Git as possible vs locked up in Jenkins Build definitions only accessible to admins. As of today we can now say that these changes have been applied to our catalog of Docker con...

22nd Feb 2019 - IronicBadger