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I deployed a Plex Media Server to AWS because, why not?

I deployed a Plex Media Server to AWS because, why not?

Netflix is, in my eyes, a world-leader in video delivery, so I figured if they can use AWS to serve their content, why can't I? I mean, sure, they're an international multi-billion dollar powerhouse, and I am but one man. Still, I thought to myself if anything else, it'd make an interesting case-stu...

17th Jul 2017 - Josh Stark

Changes to our Plex Docker container

At the time of writing this article the linuxserver/plex container has been pulled 184,679 times from Docker hub. Our container was the first to properly support switching between the “PlexPass” and “standard” versions of Plex Media Server. As the popularity has grown we’ve attracted the scrutiny...

7th Apr 2016 - lonix