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Wrap Up Warm For Winter

Wrap Up Warm For Winter

It has somehow been over a year since we switched to promoting the Github Container Registry (GHCR) as our primary repository for docker images after Docker Hub introduced pull limits (which we were subsquently able to obtain an exemption from), so we figured it was about time for something new.


1st Oct 2021
That long overdue update post...

That long overdue update post...

It's been a long time since we've done a community update with what's going on within the LSIO world, so we thought what better time to do one than when we're releasing a new version of our website!

New Base, Same Great Content

Over the past couple of months we've been busy working away on migra...

3rd Jul 2021 - LinuxServer.io Team
Customizing our Containers

Customizing our Containers

You can find the live version of this document on our docs pages here

One of the challenges we face as an organization is making everyone happy with the functionality we provide for the software we package in Docker containers. As the projects that we package and distribute grow, inevitably so do...

14th Sep 2019 - hackerman
How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

Since upgrading to Nextcloud 16 a few weeks ago I've not been able to get my desktop sync clients to work. The issue manifested itself as a 'login loop' where I would log in to a sync client, provide my 2FA token and then click grant access only to be promptly dumped back at the original login scr...

9th Jul 2019 - IronicBadger